Judge Priest

Judge Priest is a 1934 American comedy film starring Will Rogers. The film was directed by John Ford, produced by Sol M. Wurtzel in association with Fox Film, and based on humorist Irvin S. Cobbs character Judge Priest. The picture is set in postreconstruction Kentucky and the supporting cast features Henry B. Walthall, Hattie McDaniel and Stepin Fetchit.

Judge Priest is an eccentric judge in a small Kentucky town. Although his wife diedyears before the film takes place, he shows no interest in remarrying. He sometimes stumbles his words, but he shows his wit throughout the film. The Judge, despite all his talk of being a Confederate veteran, finds his best friend to be the black Jeff Poindexter, portrayed by Stepin Fetchit. Judge Priest has pride in his tolerance for others.Rogers was killed in a plane crash on August 15, 1935, just a year after the release of Judge Priest. ........

Source: Wikipedia